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Physical therapy is used to treat a wide variety of both chronic and acute issues. One of the most common is back pain. According to recent studies, 80% of Americans will experience some type of back pain in their life time.

Causes of Back Pain

The back is a system of bones, muscles, and ligaments that all work together to support your frame. An injury to any one of these parts can lead to severe back pain. While many times a traumatic event, such as a sports injury, is the initial cause of back pain, arthritis or poor posture can also be the underlying cause. In some cases, even a small “wrong” movement can set off a spell of back pain.

Preventing Back Pain

The key to preventing back pain is to be proactive and start with an exercise and stretching program designed for your specific age, activity level, and body type. Although exercise can’t prevent every accident, it can help limit injuries. In addition, having good lifting technique anytime you move heavy objects can also help prevent back injuries. Making adjustments to your current workstation and getting up and moving periodically throughout the day can also help limit back pain.

Treatment of Back Pain

Momentum Sports Medicine & Wellness uses a variety of techniques to treat back pain, whether it is acute or chronic. From modalities, such as ultrasound and e-stim, to exercise programs and manual therapy, Momentum has a solution for you. We specialize in custom designed fitness programs to relieve and prevent back pain. Getting ahead of the pain and then coming up with a plan to prevent back pain in the future is key to long-term back health.

Call to schedule an appointment for an evaluation of your back pain or if you would like a tour of our state of the art workout facility.

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